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God’s Word and Goodness Nullify the Lies That Satan Tells Us

Satan cannot create anything. God is our creator, and we are His created beings. For You (God) created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I (David) praise You for I am fearfully (awesomely) and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:13-18). So God created man in His own image, in the image of God (in God’s likeness) He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful (productive) and increase in number. (Genesis 1:27, 28a) Therefore, God, (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) is creative, fruitful and rules over all things as our creator God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He (Yeshua Messiah) was with God (Father God and Holy Spirit of God) in the beginning. Through Him all things were made, without Him nothing was made that was made (1 John 1:1-3). The Word is God and also is the words that God speaks, by which He created the world and governs it.

God created you and me, and because we are created by Him, we are precious, of great worth. We are so precious to God that God sent Jesus Christ to suffer, die, and be raised from the dead to redeem us from Satan’s lies and deception. For everything God created is good and it is to be received with thanksgiving and not rejected (1 Timothy 4:4-5). That includes receiving and loving ourselves and, like David, praising God for making us awesome and wonderful.

Nothing can negatively change or diminish our value. Solomon wrote: “I know that everything God does will endure forever, nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere Him (Ecclesiastes 3:14). Since God made us of great value and whatever God creates cannot be added to increase our value or taken from us to devalue us in any way. That means that when I sin, my value does not go down, and when I do good things, my value does not go up. It is fixed. It does not change.

All (God’s) words are true (Psalm 119:160). The Lord speaking to His disciples and to all believers says, “Sanctify, make them whole, that is holy, by the truth.”

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Heredity, Trauma and Dissociation

Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder only occurs when the person has the hereditary ability to dissociate. This predisposition must be combined with trauma for splitting and hiding to occur in the individual.

Dissociation creates gaps in the memory. These gaps are really barriers of amnesia used to protect the conscious mind from the trauma that the person has experienced. There are many barriers of amnesia within the dissociating individual. The more traumatic the events experienced the more barriers there are.

Dissociation is, therefore, a defense mechanism that is God-given in order to protect the sanity of these people. This protection is necessary. While it protects, there are some real and negative consequences to this forgetting on demand.

Out of sight and out of mind does not mean all is well with the individual. Trauma is real things, happening to real people or parts of people at a a real point in time. They are not imaginary. The gaps in the memory that occur when the individual dissociates mean that the person with Multiple Personality Disorder is not aware of what the alters/personalities are doing in life. Almost all the alters carry out some function. They exist for a purpose. Many of these purposes are evil, destructive or shameful. Not being aware of what they are doing, or of their role and history equates to not being consciously in control of all your life. You are doing things that you just do not know about.

Some alters were formed and dissociated because of verbal, emotional, physical, psychological, sexual, ritual and religious abuse. Trauma may include abandonment, rejection, age inappropriate demands, emotional deprivation, or lack of structure in the family of origin. Inconsistency leads to insecurity, anxiety, poor adaptation to life. These are not the only types of abuses that occur.

Much abuse is generational in nature. Patterns of abuse reoccur in families. This is evident in alcoholic, drug addicted, sexually addicted and co-dependent/dominant-submissive homes. These families often produce and parent children who grow up and repeat many of the problems of their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

A great amount of abuse is spiritual in nature and deeply hidden in the person’s subconscious. Homes where satanism is practiced parent children who exhibit sinful lifestyles similar to, but often worse than, the preceding generation. Satanist families are marked by frequent and profound torture, sexual perversion, sin and cruelty. (See “Court Evidences of Satan’s Destructive Work”; SEEING AND BINDING UP THE BROKENHEARTED by Norman L. Coad, Coadword Books, Burleson, Texas, 2018, pp. 46-50.)

Those who are deeply ritualized are often controlled by demonic beings. When they act out under the influence of the evil ones, they can exhibit no remorse. If not stopped, they will continue to repeat their evil deeds. As they continue in their antisocial destructive behaviors, they will become increasingly evil. The Old Testament calls such individuals BELIAL–useless ones who lie, steal, corrupt and are violent. The New Testament in the King James Version calls them reprobates–people who love to do evil, encourage evil and criticize goodness and virtue and applaud those who do evil.

Families marked by generational sin will often continue to carry out the iniquity of past generations. The sinful behaviors become entrenched in them. If not arrested, they will become increasing evil, wicked, corrupt and violent. God’s word says that He visits the iniquity of the fathers (and mothers) on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Him (God) by not obeying His commands (Genesis 20:5-6). As long as these continue their sinful behaviors, they bring the wages of sin upon themselves and their families.

The remedy is in genuine confession of sin, repentance, turning away from their evil ways, and calling out to God for salvation. God said to Jeremiah the prophet, “Perhaps when you tell them the truth they will listen and each will turn from his evil ways. Then I will relent and not bring on them the disaster I was planning because of the evil they have done. If not, then I will let the evil fall on them (Jeremiah 26:2-6).

Both God and Satan work with individuals and groups of people. Here is how Satan uses unconfessed sin of previous generations. He sends fallen angels, demons, to gather up unconfessed sins of previous generations. He forms these into “the schemes of the devil” and visits them on the children to the third and fourth generations to lie, rob, and destroy them (Ephesians 6:1-20).

Those who engage to help these wounded and troubled people must engage in spiritual warfare against the evil ones. They must recognize and use their spiritual authority that the believers have in Christ Jesus. They are then able to use the name, the word, and the blood of the Lord to save, heal, and deliver the sin-sick, lost and dying (Matthew 16:13-20; 10:1; Luke 10:1-20).

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God and Satan in Our Lives (How God and Satan work)

Both God and Satan are working in the individual and the society in which we live. All of us live under the influence of the world, God and Satan. Satan attempts to control us through many means. He would motivate us to dominate, negatively manipulate, be critical, violent and self-centered. At times, he may and does do violence against others. These things are the marks and evidence of Satan as he works through the flesh and our sinful nature.

For those who are believers, Christ has raised us upon and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:1-10). By His indwelling Spirit, He transforms us all so that we no longer are conformed to the pattern of this world, but are transformed and renewed in our minds. We realize that, while we are many and are different in race and destiny, we are one in Christ. Our behavior is to be marked by respect and love for each other (Romans 12:1-21; John 15:9-17).

Perhaps the best way to understand this is to see ourselves as a part of the environment in which we live in which we find acceptance and/or rejection. If our individual reference groups enjoy broadband acceptance, prestige, authority, and power, this allows us to experience the necessary access to work, wealth, friendships, recognition, and success. We experience the basic elements to live a full and relatively happy life.

If, however, our reference group experiences limited acceptance, opportunities, work, and wealth, we may feel profoundly deprived of the social elements that allow us to feel good about ourselves and deprive us of success. Our evaluation of self and our reference group may be negative. In this context, it is not uncommon to see ourselves as somehow inferior, less than, not as good as others. Often the “negatives” are reinforced in the broader culture by pejorative attitudes, racism, and broadly held caricatures that are accepted as true but are not. When this occurs, no matter how personally intelligent, hard-working, gifted, educated and accomplished one is, it does not change the social equation. The result is that the individual of this group does not achieve the social success and recognition that they deserve. To summarize this, some groups, individuals and values are elevated in the cultural hierarchy in value. Others are devalued. This happens in every society; ours is no exception.

Many seek to establish themselves as worthy, valuable, trustworthy people. This is perfectly valid. However, it comes with a price. The cultural access demanded by these force the culture to adapt and change. All cultures and peoples change overtime, so change is valid. The difficulty comes when too much change is demanded too quickly. Resistance develops. Resistance can occur in the individual, small groups, and even in a nation. In a society like ours where the population is a mix of many races, languages, religions, social and personal values, great tolerance to change and acceptance is required for us to function well as a whole. The stress of change never goes away. The U.S.A. has never been easy because of the constant influx of new people and the stress they cause and experience.

Social stress is not only caused by new immigrants. It can also be caused when groups who have been long term residents within our society push to change their status, level of wealth and social influence. This, too, is a normal American trait. Social lift has been constant even through it has been powerfully resisted by some. None of us like to be treated as if we are inferior. Stress also occurs when certain moral values are forced on the greater population. Some of these moral issues are: the new paganism, called the new morality; abortion on demand and Rowe vs. Wade; and, now, late-term abortion and infanticide after birth. These and some of the LGBTQ+ issues stress large groups of the U.S.A. population at both the moral and religious practice of many. This has caused a cultural war that has not been resolved. The ongoing confrontations have worn on some on the political left and some on the right. At times, they become violent, uncivil and intolerant of each other as the cultural divide between us grows and intensifies.

As a people, some are advocating doing away with the historical values on which this nation was built. As a consequence, the attack on God in society, broadbased acceptance of values based on the Bible, and the denigration of those of us who practice such has been relentless. It has become offensive to many. Being offended is not a helpful response.

If certain groups advocate tearing the old down, razing it to the ground, they should have something better to replace it with. Otherwise, the demolition will leave us as a people in a quandary, not knowing how to proceed. The vacuum caused may lead to anarchy. I am not impressed with what is being offered to replace what we already have.

America was the recipient of many good things and some not so good. We grew out of the tenants of the Reformation and British Common Law. We inherited slavery from the British who founded Jamestown as a slave colony. We were also the dumping ground for many violent and varied social misfits that Great Britain did not want to deal with. We, also, received the religious stigma put on the Jews by the Western church. No one in America has experienced legal and social inferiority longer and more profoundly than the Afro-American. Even the Supreme Court designated them as inferior with little or no social rights by the Dred Scott Case decision. James A. Michener, in his book TEXAS, described the inferior status of certain groups succinctly. I paraphrase: All people should be free and have the right to fight for it. All except Negroes, Mexicans, and Indians. This was reinforced economically on all these and many were killed. For the Negroes, lynching was a common practice well into the Thirties. The right to vote was denied the Blacks until President Johnson put it into law and enforced it nationally. Legally, then, they could not be denied their right to vote.

Many immigrants were psychologically designated “the stranger”. The stranger is dishonest, immoral, fearful, and cannot be trusted. The Irish, Arabs/Muslims, Germans, Hispanics, Afro-Americans, to name a few, were all designated “the stranger” at some time in our history.

This all sounds like sociology; and, to a degree, it is. How is this spiritual? Simply stated, the way we treated each other in the past and the way we treat others now has often been contrary to the teachings of the Bible. The Bible teaches that we are all created in the image of God. God created us all (Genesis1:27). Through Yeshua Messiah, Jesus the Christ, God in Christ redeemed us all by His shed blood, His death, burial and resurrection from the dead. He died for all of us, all human beings. We are all saved in the same way. The Word states that we are saved by Jesus by grace through faith.

The Apostle Paul writes: You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ then you are all Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to Christ (Galatians 3:26-29).

To deny that we all came from the same mother and father, Adam and Eve, is to deny the clear teaching of God’s Word. To deny that all the believers are saved into the family of the redeemed is to deny the power and authority of God to make us one in Him. That would be disobedience and rebellion against God’s will, work and word. Disobedience and rebellion against God and His word is sin. That is being like Satan. He is a liar and murderer from the beginning. He would and has perpetrated his lies and murders on all who refuse to be submissive to God’s will and word.

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Biblical Basis for Dissociated Personality Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder

The Bible lays a basis for us to understand and care for Multiple Personality Disorder/Dissociative Identity Disorder. The language and description of dissociation is embedded in the use and meaning of the words. In the Old Testament, the words spirit and heart are used. In the New Testament the word used is soul.

The Heart and Spirit

The words heart and spirit are used as collective nouns. The word heart is used to describe the seat of the mind, the emotions and the will. The word spirit was applied to the spirit, mind, heart, and the immortal soul.

The psalmist calls out to God asking, “Test me, O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind.” (Psalms 26:2 NIV) Jeremiah speaking to the nation of Israel says that God will put the covenant of their relationship into the individual heart (Jeremiah 31:33 NIV). Job complains, “I will speak out in the anguish of my spirit. I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.” (Job 7:11 NIV)

The Heart Can Be Corrupted

The human spirit, heart, or soul can be corrupted. The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time (Genesis 6:5 NIV). Later, God informs us after the flood. He said in His heart, “Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood.” (Genesis 8:21 NIV) Jeremiah lamented about man, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9 NIV) In the New Testament, Jesus said, “Out of the heart comes evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander. These are what makes a man unclean.” (Matthew 15:19a NIV)

James and the Divided Soul

James uses a compound word to describe a person whose personality is in separate parts. The term used is double-minded. He writes about the person who has doubts and has difficulty believing–faith. Such a one is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind…He is a double-minded man unstable in all he does. (James 1:6-8 NIV) This compound word quite literally means a divided soul and spirit. This is the only Greek word in the New Testament that describes a soul that is split, a spirit that is in parts, unstable, of contradictory attitudes and thought processes that lead to conflicting and dramatically different behaviors. That is so typical of Multiple Personality Disorder/Dissociative Identity Disorder.

In James 4:8 we read, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” The double-minded has used his/her hands to do evil and wickedness. They have grossly sinned. Their hearts are not pure but corrupted. They are double-minded–divided in soul and mind, emotions, will and behaviors. They serve two masters–God and Satan. The parts of them fall into one of two camps. The one falls into the camp of God. These are the redeemed alters. The other falls into the camp of Satan. They are unsaved. The one chooses Jesus as Lord and Master. The other chooses Satan as master and their lord.

This leads to confusion of behaviors and relationships. The differences of masters within the same person leads to mixed signals. I love you; I hate you. Come near; go away. They are raging and dangerous one minute and kind, sweet, approachable the next. One minute they are cursing and using vile speech; the next minute they are speaking caring, good and kind words that build self and others up. The individual thinks and wonders, “I’m a mess! Who am I?” Those who relate to them are kept off balance and feel insecure with their conflicted souls.

The hope that exists is this: Jesus saves and He can sanctify each individual part; but, remember that redemption only takes a moment, while sanctification is an on-going Holy Spirit process.

The Divided/Double Heart

(Psalms 12:1-2) “Save, O Lord, for the godly one is gone; for the faithful one has vanished from among the children of men. Everyone utters lies to his neighbor; with flattering lips and a double heart they speak.” To have a double heart means that the inner person, the self, the seat of thought is split into parts. These parts are often motivated by evil and the desire to be corrupt and destructive.

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Multiple Personality Disorder Demands That We Change Our WorldView

The missionary anthropologist, Paul Hiebert, defines worldview. Worldview is made up of the basic assumptions about reality. These assumptions lie behind the beliefs and behaviors of a culture. Assumptions are not arrived at by scientific method or research. These we believe to be true without proof, testing, or reason. We absorb these into our belief system from personal interactions with our environment and the prevailing views of those around us whom we use as reference groups to define reality. These assumptions become the bedrock of our understanding and identity.

The cultural and environmental mix that we are born into and raised in shapes our worldview. Most of us have been conditioned to believe certain things are always true. For example, when we see and hear a person act and speak, we assume that that is who they are. If they are in a male body, then the person acting and speaking is male. If they are in a female body, then the person acting and speaking is female. However, for those who are multiple personalities, this may or may not be true. These preceding statements will make no sense at all to most of us because our worldview precludes this from being true. However, it is absolutely true. It has been well documented and is now an established fact within the psychiatric community. To be sure, this was not an easy truth for the professional to accept. In the early Nineties, this author sat in state conventions and heard highly credentialed people speak error. They refused to believe that there were many personalities in some people. Their denials centered around two issues: there is only one personality, not many personalities, resident in an individual, and there are no “bodiless beings” in certain troubled human beings. The latter issue has still not been accepted as truth. To believe these truths would require a change of worldview. Therefore, many fight and resist the reality being presented on many fronts. They fight the change. That is the usual response when one’s worldview is challenged.

For those of us who are biblically-based evangelicals, multiplicity presents a different problem–is it biblical? Does it contradict our biblical beliefs? The answer to these questions is a resounding NO! To believe that there are many personalities in an individual does not deny individual responsibility for our life, attitudes, emotions, thoughts and behaviors. Nor does it deny that each will give account for every idle word. Every individual part of us is responsible to our Creator God.

What multiplicity does is force the believer to rethink the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in one’s life. That process we call sanctification. While regeneration happens in a moment of time, sanctification is a process that continues throughout our lifetime.

The personalities or alters are completely human. They are made up of spirit, mind, emotions, and will. Like everyone else, they are responsible for what they think, feel, and do. Each individual alter must call on the name of the Lord to be saved. If not, they will die and go to hell. Therefore, it is necessary for each individual personality to believe the gospel and be saved. Salvation for the whole and salvation for the alter, a part of the whole, is the identical process. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, all of them. As the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, our sin debt is completely paid in full. However, the Messiah’s work on the cross must be individually applied by grace through faith. My salvation does not cover my children and grandchildren. Each one must call upon the name of the Lord himself. What is true of my children and grandchildren is true of each individual alter.

Therefore, the process of salvation is the same for all: to the Jew first and also the non-Jew, to the person who does not split and to those individual personalities of the person who suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder.

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Spiritual Warfare for the Dissociated and Our Children

Dissociation is a hereditary psychological ability given by God to help us to live with and overcome and not be defined by the trauma of abuse. Because it is generational it runs in family lines. These families are in every socio-economic level, from the most prosperous to the profoundly poor. They are among the most educated to the least. Dissociation in these families crosses all genders. It produces patterns of behavior and moral/ethical practice that transcends the generations. These families can and do try to hide the abuse by living a double lifestyle–public and private. On the other hand, some are blatantly evil in their behaviors and make little pretense or effort to cover it up. At the root of the behaviors is the love of money, power, and authority. They do whatever is necessary to get what they want without concern for the damage done to their victims. To put it bluntly, their motivations are demonic.

They are not what they seem to be. The demonic behaviors manifest in their treatment of children. They ritualize their children, usually before four years of age. The earlier the trauma, the more profoundly dissociated the victim will be. They often incest the children. They traumatize them with fear. They abandon, reject, blame and shame them. Their children are dominated by a need to control in order to feel safe and secure and a need to be empowered.

At this point, the demons come to them and promise them the power they crave. The evil ones make a crooked deal based on the traumatized one’s obedience to what the demons, spirits of the dead, and ancestral spirits tell them. The children see the evil spirits as their friends. Power and authority in the demonic world are based on doing evil. The more evil one does the more power and authority the demonic ones give. They, of course, never tell the victims that the wages of sin is death. Most people do not like the lifestyle, but there are some who do. This latter group will be what the Old Testament calls belial (worthless individuals). The New Testament calls them people with a reprobate mind, those who love and serve evil and hate God and goodness (Romans 1:18-32).

The warfare that must take place must be fought in the spiritual world. All believers have authority to loose and bind. This is based on the believers’ declaration about Jesus, “You are the Christ the Son of God” (Matthew 16:13-19). This profession is the rock on which the entire church of the Lord is built. To loose means to permit; to bind means to forbid. In the name of the Lord, we may testify that Jesus is the Christ, heal the sick, and cast out demons.

Through prayers in the name of the Lord, we exercise our spiritual authority over the evil ones in order to redeem those who are lost and demonized. Therefore, prayer is the key spiritual weapon. Our prayer is based on our personal relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Prayer:

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for all our abused ones by name. We shut down all verbal, emotional, psychological, physical, sexual, ritual, and religious abuse. We attack and shut down all the evil of the alcoholic, drug addicted, sexually addicted, satanist, and dominant/submissive codependent home.

Lord, we pray for the afflicted ones and any demonic wounding and oppression for our children as well as grandchildren, children’s children until You come again.

May they date and marry men for the women and women for the men who order their lives according to the will of God, the word of God, in the power of Your Holy Spirit, in Your name and for Your glory, Lord Jesus Christ.

May they use the word of God for correction, instruction and training in righteousness that the man and woman of God be prepared to do every good work to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Messiah.

We come against all fear, pain and unmet expectations that produce anger, and the stuffed anger that produces rage. We attack, shut down, destroy and bind rage of every type and sort, and kind. We root it out completely. We sever the root from the trunk, the trunk from the branch, and the branch from the bud. It is not permitted in the least to afflict, wound, or destroy. We pray this in Your blessed name, Lord Jesus Christ.

Visit the Store to purchase the new teaching and prayer on Generational Sin.

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The Nature of Dissociation

Those who dissociate have several factors in common that do not exist in the population as a whole. This constitutes a large group of people. No one really knows how many people dissociate; however, we know some of the factors that people have in common who suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder, also called Multiple Personality Disorder.

Inherent Personal Factors

All people who dissociate have the hereditary ability to dissociate. This characteristic therefore runs in families. It is not uncommon to find whole families who dissociate to the point of dysfunction. To dissociate means that these individuals are able to separate parts of their personality from the whole. Usually these parts are traumatized in some manner. The trauma memories are assigned to the separated part and are hidden from the dissociating person himself. It’s out of sight and out of mind. That part continues to exist and function, but in the sphere of the sub-conscious. However, that dissociated part can be triggered into the person’s consciousness by similar events and situations that split off the parts in the first place.

The split off parts are called by two names: alters or personalities. These are used interchangeably. When these alters are triggered up, i.e. into the person’s consciousness, they manifest just as they are. Most of the time, the alters manifest in discreet, subtle ways and are not noticeable to most people. However, inside the body, the change is quite marked. There are reasons for this.

Why Inner Changes Are So Marked

When a personality is formed for him or her, the moment is frozen in history. The alter that is formed stays that same age from then on. If the trauma occurred as a child, the alter will think, act, and feel like a child. The chronological age of the person may be true to their birthdate, but the child will not get older, mature and change. Everything is fixed in place. If the child in an adult body is triggered up, whoever is interacting with that person will be dealing with a child.

In the person who dissociates, there will be both male and female personalities. The most plausible understanding of this is that the alters are formed from the X or Y chromosomes. We all have male and female chromosomes in us. Without this fact, we could not procreate male and female offspring. The man and woman are enough like each other to relate physically, and enough difference exists so that the male produces sperms. The female ovulates so that the two may conceive a child of either gender. In the vast majority of humanity, maleness and femaleness follows the physiological aspects of the person. It is statistically true that about 50% of the population is male and the other 50% is female. The exceptions to this do not make the rule.

Programming of Personalities is Ongoing

Alters are often abused and brainwashed to the point of gross antisocial behavior. This brainwashing results in programmed behavior that is always dysfunctional and disruptive to the person’s life and psyche. The programming follows closely to the traumas of verbal, emotional, psychological, sexual, physical, satanic and religious abuse. There are whole groups of people who are motivated to abuse others, split off alters and program them to antisocial behavior These people seek out children to abuse through social institutions that are used as a covering for their evil behaviors. All of this has been well documented in many court cases.

At a Deeper and More Hidden Level

There is also abuse going on at a very deep and hidden level. This is where treatment modalities cross over into the spiritual. All dissociated people seem to be intelligent and very spiritually attuned. Many are also very artistic. Many of the dissociated make known to their counselor the existence of spiritual bodiless beings that hurt and force them to do evil and wicked things. These bodiless beings are called variously demons, Satan, spirits of the dead, and alien human spirits. These work in the spiritual, non-material levels of reality. It is for this reason that this counselor uses the Bible as the basis of truth and reality. Biblical reality based on the Scripture of the Bible allows the counselor to work at the spiritual level. The counselor does not designate the atypical descriptions of the person’s life as hallucinations, but real and true descriptions of reality. As Pierre Janet, the first to document Multiple Personality Disorder, has said, “These people are to be believed until what they say has been disproved.”

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Professional and Spiritual Credentialing of Counselors Who Work with D.I.D and M.P.D

The perfect balance for a counselor who works with those who suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is a solid education in psychology and counseling with accountability to the state health organization combined with spiritual credentialing.

Professional Credentialing

Professional credentialing is well-known and accepted in our western culture. Counselors are required to have a master’s degree in counseling or a related field from an accredited educational institution. A PhD or MD degree is considered helpful. Education in the field and supervised direct client/patient contact is also required. When the educational and professional training is completed the state administers an examination covering the required material. The state sets the grade level to establish the point of pass or fail. If the individual passes, the state board issues a recognized license. The emphasis is on the academic and practical application of the knowledge. At this time, the principles of behaviorism are emphasized.

Spiritual Credentialing

Pierre Janet and others have established the fact that “bodiless beings” dwell in and greatly influence the individual who suffers from antisocial behaviors and Multiple Personality Disorder. Bodiless demonic beings are spiritual beings who may or may not manifest in bodily form. They are spirit beings who spend a great amount of their time and energy influencing the spiritual part of human beings in a negative way. They often dwell in them in order to direct their behavior. To confront and shut down their demonic work, the counselor must be able to engage them at the spiritual level. Behavioral techniques of counseling and intellectual knowledge in the psychiatric field are not enough.

The Purpose of Counseling

The purpose of counseling is to bring about positive change. Understanding what healthy psychological functioning is is necessary. Behavioral norms of acceptable personal and social behavior inform the counselor as to what is normal and healthy. Healthy functional behavior has been informed and empowered by the Judeo-Christian beliefs arising from the Reformation. In the Reformation, reading the Bible in a person’s native language was encouraged. This led to broad-based literacy. The Bible was recognized as God’s written word to His created people. As such, it was incumbent on the reader to be obedient to what was written That obedience has led to the greatest growth in knowledge, the humane treatment of one another in social interactions, and the positive transformation of individuals and social institutions that the world has ever known. The indwelling bodiless beings cause a multitude of individual and social problems. If these unclean spirits are ignored or treated as psychosis or hallucinations, the client/patient will not be helped, and change for the better will not occur.

The Kingdom of Heaven/God

Jesus as Christ dwelling in us brings about the reign of God on earth in the lives of men and women (Matthew 3:2). The Lord overcomes the forces of evil and can remove all the consequences of sin. Believers will not die and go to hell, but will go to heaven. We are urged to believe the Gospel: Christ died for our sins; He was buried and was raised from the dead to show His victory over death and hell (I Corinthians 15:1-8).

His followers, the Apostles, the Seventy-two others, and all believers were commissioned and sent out with authority as believers. They were told to preach salvation through repentance and faith, to heal the sick, and to cast out demons. This commission was given to all believers (Matthew 28:16-20). Jesus promised to empower us to do the work. I will send the Holy Spirit from the Father so that you are clothed with power from heaven (Luke 24:45-49).

The reality that “bodiless beings” indwell, trouble, abuse, and traumatize has been attested to for thousands of years. The vast majority of the world’s population believes this to be true. The counselors who engage to work with those who dissociate must be deeply convinced of this truth.

Content of Spiritual Credentialing

A relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ: To the best understanding of this writer, only those with a spiritual relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Messiah, are able to shut down and cast out “bodiless beings” (demons, unclean spirits).

The indwelling Holy Spirit: He is the counselor, The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. He will teach us and remind us of the truth (John 14:15-17; 25-27).

Those who have faith are given spiritual power: Jesus, the Lord, said, “Anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father. I will do whatever you ask in My name to glorify the Father (John 14:12-14).

Those in whom the power of God dwells will be marked by signs: Jesus called His disciples to Him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and heal every disease and sickness (Matthew 10:1; Mark 16:15-18).

The man or woman of faith will use God’s spiritual resources to do His work among us: pray in the Lord’s name. Cast out demons, spirits of the dead, some of which are ancestral spirits. Use His name, His word and His shed blood to do the work of the Lord. Ask Holy Spirit to give and direct the use of wisdom and knowledge; the ability to heal, prophecy, distinguish between spirits; the power to work miracles, etc. (1 Corinthians 12:1-11) Always test the spirits to see if they are from God. (1 John 4:1-6)

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The Response of the Psychiatric Community to Validating Spirituality

In the previous blog, we discussed the work of Pierre Janet. He was the pioneer in the development of hypnotherapy and the first to document Multiple Personality Disorder. Since his death, he has been largely ignored. Recently, with the increased interest in multiple personalities, his work is beginning to be recognized by some. For most of the history of modern day psychology, he and his work have been conspicuously absent in the writings of leaders in the field.

Sigmund Freud (1859-1939) was a contemporary of Pierre Janet and was, at first, supportive of Janet’s work. Judith Herman quotes Freud from his work, The Origins of Psychoanalysis, Letters to Wilhelm Fliers, Drafts and Notes, 1887-1902. Freud says: “By the way, what have you got to say to the suggestion that the whole of my brand new theory of the primary origins of hysteria are already familiar and have been published a hundred times over though several centuries ago? Do you remember my always saying that the medieval theory of passion (demon possession [writer’s interpretation]), that is held by ecclesiastical courts, was identical with our theory of a foreign body and the splitting of consciousness? But why did the devil who took possession of the poor victims invariably commit misconduct with them, and in such horrible ways? Why were the confessions, extracted under torture, so very like what my patients tell me during psychological treatment?”

Freud believed in Janet’s writings and research. However, he abandoned his support of Janet under pressure exerted by his peers and elders in the psychological community. It was made clear to him that the popularity and acceptance of his work would suffer if he continued to embrace the validity and reality of the spiritual as a factor in psychological treatment.

The bias of the psychological community against spiritualism has and continues to be profound. I am defining spiritualism as: a voluntary acceptance of an individual of a bodiless being(s) which is external to the individual. This bodiless being is not part of the individual’s personality but a separate being functioning in and through a person. Their existence within is always dysfunctional and destructive to the person himself and to those around them.

The subjectivity required to incorporate the spiritual world as a factor in psychological problems is extremely disturbing to the present day psychological and medical communities. These communities have incorporated the scientific method as the basis for establishing truth. This requires great objectivity. This works well in the physical, material world and has been a great blessing to us all. However, when one accepts bodiless beings as real and present in human psychological behavior, the scientific method is inadequate. Why? The scientific method only works well in the material world. It does not work in the spiritual world. That requires revealed truth. Subjective interpretation based on revealed truth does not fit into the scientific method.

I understand the dilemma, but denial of the spiritual world is self-defeating and is not consistent with manifest reality. The material and spiritual world both exist and are an active part of our human condition. To deny the existence of the spirit world negates the experience and belief of the vast majority of humanity. However, that is exactly the past and present day stance of the majority of the psychological and scientific communities.

The psychological community has gotten by with this to this point in time. That, however, has not worked at all with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), also called Dissociative Personality Disorder (DID). For over thirty years, the research groups using the scientific method have worked to develop treatment modalities for MPD. To date they have not succeeded. They still state in the official literature that there is no cure or effective therapy for MPD. Conversely, those who are incorporating spiritual therapies in their treatment report that help and even cure of this problem are possible and are taking place. I believe that it’s time, for the sake of many hurting people, that this sad state of affairs be brought to an end. I am in the group that believes that spiritual problems require spiritual answers, and material problems require material answers. It is not a question of either/or but both/and. May it soon be so!

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Pierre Janet (1859-1947)

Pierre Janet was the first researcher into the problems of dissociative people. He introduced this research in the community of modern day psychology. He was recognized as one of the pioneers in the use of hypnosis as a clinical tool. The techniques that he developed are still broadly used today. He found that hypnosis was an accurate way to open up the hidden issues and the hidden world of gravely wounded and dysfunctional people.

The use of hypnosis as an intervention made it possible for others to use these techniques and methods and to substantiate many of the claims that he made in his writings. Janet’s findings about hypnosis remain true to this day. He found that hypnosis was a great tool to open up that which is hidden deep in the personality. The major limitation of hypnosis was and is that its use as a therapy of change is limited. The therapist can make suggestions to the person who is in a deep hypnotic state, and these suggestions will be acted upon after the individual comes out of hypnosis. However, the deepest and most troubling issues of the individual can only be altered for a few days to a few weeks. No long lasting change takes place in hypno-terapy. A few addictions do respond to hypnosis such as nicotine addiction.

Pierre Janet is recognized for his work in hypnosis. However, his findings through its use have largely condemned him into oblivion within the psychiatric community. He found that there were co-existing personalities, some of which the person was consciously aware and others that they were not aware of. These additional personalities had parallel memories in complete ignorance of one another. They exist; they function. They are often opposed to each other and to the conscious part of themselves. The conscious personalities are often engaged in socially acceptable behaviors and attempts to live within social standards that are lawful. Whereas, the hidden personalities are often antisocial and destructive to self and others and can be morally and behaviorally lawless, often in the extreme.

Janet named the condition of one person with many personalities Multiple Personality Disorder. This name emphasizes the fact that an individual, while existing in one body, has many personalities within.

He defined several terms that described what he was finding through hypno-therapy. Some of these are: hysteria, hypnosis, multiple personality, and spiritualism. Hysteria is a pathological (dysfunctional and destructive) form of dissociation that functions independently within the personality which disturbs the individual’s everyday life. Hypnosis is induced dissociation or amnesia whereby they are unaware of what is taking place while in the induced hypnotic state. Multiple Personality is a condition in which two or more dissociated states function with distinct differences of behavior, mood, and intention and are unaware of each other. Spiritualism was a voluntary acceptance of a supposed bodiless being (Janet’s words) which was external to the individual, that is, not part of the individual’s personality, but a separate entity functioning within the multiple’s personalities. This being that he identifies as a spirit being is real and active within and through the individual’s life. His clients described the activities of this being to him. The fact that he reported the spirit beings as the clients perceived them served notice to the psychiatric community that the malevolent spirit beings were active in psychiatric and social dysfunctions.

This, I believe, is the reason the psychiatric community ignored Janet’s work for about eighty years. His work with multiple personalities was not reported and, for years, was not mentioned in clinical training. By design, he was treated as if his great body of work did not exist.

Pierre Janet’s attitude in therapy was client centered. He was aware of but did not let the psychiatric community’s biased and determined opposition to anything spiritual interfere with the client’s therapy. Speaking to one of Kroepelen’s students, he declared, “I believe these people (the psychotics) until it is proven to me that what they say is untrue…. You see, these people are persecuted by something and you must investigate to get to the root.” These client revelations of pathological behaviors he described not in explicit terms but in words such as “obsessions”, “fantasies” and the like. He alluded to the client’s personal trauma but never stated it.

Janet’s work was spot on correct. It should be noted that he found a barrier of amnesia between the conscious part of the multiple and the sub-conscious. That, too, is true. Those of us who do therapy with the individuals who suffer from multiple personality disorder owe a great debt to this honest and clinically correct worker with those who suffer from MPD.