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Heredity, Trauma and Dissociation

Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder only occurs when the person has the hereditary ability to dissociate. This predisposition must be combined with trauma for splitting and hiding to occur in the individual.

Dissociation creates gaps in the memory. These gaps are really barriers of amnesia used to protect the conscious mind from the trauma that the person has experienced. There are many barriers of amnesia within the dissociating individual. The more traumatic the events experienced the more barriers there are.

Dissociation is, therefore, a defense mechanism that is God-given in order to protect the sanity of these people. This protection is necessary. While it protects, there are some real and negative consequences to this forgetting on demand.

Out of sight and out of mind does not mean all is well with the individual. Trauma is real things, happening to real people or parts of people at a a real point in time. They are not imaginary. The gaps in the memory that occur when the individual dissociates mean that the person with Multiple Personality Disorder is not aware of what the alters/personalities are doing in life. Almost all the alters carry out some function. They exist for a purpose. Many of these purposes are evil, destructive or shameful. Not being aware of what they are doing, or of their role and history equates to not being consciously in control of all your life. You are doing things that you just do not know about.

Some alters were formed and dissociated because of verbal, emotional, physical, psychological, sexual, ritual and religious abuse. Trauma may include abandonment, rejection, age inappropriate demands, emotional deprivation, or lack of structure in the family of origin. Inconsistency leads to insecurity, anxiety, poor adaptation to life. These are not the only types of abuses that occur.

Much abuse is generational in nature. Patterns of abuse reoccur in families. This is evident in alcoholic, drug addicted, sexually addicted and co-dependent/dominant-submissive homes. These families often produce and parent children who grow up and repeat many of the problems of their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

A great amount of abuse is spiritual in nature and deeply hidden in the person’s subconscious. Homes where satanism is practiced parent children who exhibit sinful lifestyles similar to, but often worse than, the preceding generation. Satanist families are marked by frequent and profound torture, sexual perversion, sin and cruelty. (See “Court Evidences of Satan’s Destructive Work”; SEEING AND BINDING UP THE BROKENHEARTED by Norman L. Coad, Coadword Books, Burleson, Texas, 2018, pp. 46-50.)

Those who are deeply ritualized are often controlled by demonic beings. When they act out under the influence of the evil ones, they can exhibit no remorse. If not stopped, they will continue to repeat their evil deeds. As they continue in their antisocial destructive behaviors, they will become increasingly evil. The Old Testament calls such individuals BELIAL–useless ones who lie, steal, corrupt and are violent. The New Testament in the King James Version calls them reprobates–people who love to do evil, encourage evil and criticize goodness and virtue and applaud those who do evil.

Families marked by generational sin will often continue to carry out the iniquity of past generations. The sinful behaviors become entrenched in them. If not arrested, they will become increasing evil, wicked, corrupt and violent. God’s word says that He visits the iniquity of the fathers (and mothers) on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Him (God) by not obeying His commands (Genesis 20:5-6). As long as these continue their sinful behaviors, they bring the wages of sin upon themselves and their families.

The remedy is in genuine confession of sin, repentance, turning away from their evil ways, and calling out to God for salvation. God said to Jeremiah the prophet, “Perhaps when you tell them the truth they will listen and each will turn from his evil ways. Then I will relent and not bring on them the disaster I was planning because of the evil they have done. If not, then I will let the evil fall on them (Jeremiah 26:2-6).

Both God and Satan work with individuals and groups of people. Here is how Satan uses unconfessed sin of previous generations. He sends fallen angels, demons, to gather up unconfessed sins of previous generations. He forms these into “the schemes of the devil” and visits them on the children to the third and fourth generations to lie, rob, and destroy them (Ephesians 6:1-20).

Those who engage to help these wounded and troubled people must engage in spiritual warfare against the evil ones. They must recognize and use their spiritual authority that the believers have in Christ Jesus. They are then able to use the name, the word, and the blood of the Lord to save, heal, and deliver the sin-sick, lost and dying (Matthew 16:13-20; 10:1; Luke 10:1-20).